binkleywtf wrote in fyentertainment Aug 12, 2015 20:49
what does that even mean honey, val doonican, yet here i am 5 tears later, he is aggressively perfect, because of course it is because adam, hallowed be thy ass, blindsided by adam's huge vocals, shut up and fap, happy fapping hermits
illestnonnyever wrote in fyentertainment Oct 27, 2013 12:48
coatography, some robert plant hair impersonator, zeus in a thong, getting mouthy with the popo, get wiggy with it, gay gothic penguin meets actual sex, that coat was made for beckoning, intense forward motion in 2014, ♥‿♥, because of course it is because adam, industrial vampire, décidez-vous omfg, ʘ‿ʘ, ali baba realness, tornado of charisma, !!bert post, adam lambert is not above the law, starchild ☮, adam fights with his penis, adam lambert parties with bare ass boys, my bladder is ready, excuse you ryan the troll, genie superman realness, a very stern ali baba